bright idea

exploring space



Science is the subject that builds up higher thinking and organization skills through content. The third grade program includes the study of plants and animals, the solar system, and physics, among others.  Students are introduced to scientific vocabulary and concepts about plants, animals, states of matter, space, simple machines, and more. 

Every unit starts with a series of experiments that students perform. Each lesson provides information, summaries, and questions that give students opportunities to understand and increase their base knowledge. It is through experiments, collection of data, elaboration of summaries and questionnaires, and presentations of projects that students develop a scientific approach. 

Students will be provided with opportunities to develop the scientific attitude, and in the process they will accumulate basic information about a series of important and relevant topics.

Here you can click to see a collection of easy, inexpensive and fun experiments, and other interesting scientific activities:

collection 1,

collection 2,

collection 3.

solar system

solar system 2

seasons, day and night, etc